people with chronic pelvic pain minimize the pain we’re in even when it’s due to physical disease. We never over exaggerate and we aren’t over sensitive to pain. We hide it well, get used to it and when we can’t bare it, you need to stop judging our capacity to manage on our own and help us. Minimizing our pain for you is traumatic for us, and pain is an ancient experience. We’re talking about pain that has physically existed in the human body for thousands of years. In 2021 the majority STILL believe endometriosis is limited to the pelvis, where it has been and continues to be historically ignored
Endometriosis can be and is often systemic, ‘full-body’, or widespread. oh and It’s not rare, it’s just terrifyingly underdiagnosed. 27 years ago people who identified as women were not included in pain research, not even of the chronic pelvic pain kind. I’m 27 years old, and according to the dozens of medical professionals who saw and continue to see me, we’re still overacting in 2021. we’re still telling patients they’re just anxious, or they just need to lose weight before they get any help, and it’s horrifying… the disconnect between our mind and body directly relates to the physical disease being ignored in our bodies. Our body’s natural ability to function has been entirely hijacked by PHYSICAL fucking disease, and the healthcare system is broken
these are humans with incurable illnesses, and instead of funding research to update our knowledge and asking them what they need, we’re more concerned with sharing old and out dated information than potentially funding a long term multi-therapeutic approach with care and compassion for all patients. How can we be expected to rewire our body’s ability to live with physical disease while not addressing the physical disease itself? It doesn’t work that way when it comes to anything else, so why chronic pelvic pain?
Are any of us OK with this?
Inequalities within the healthcare systems thrive off of misinformation. The reality is that most researchers aren’t including the very real discrimination people face while trying to get their chronic pelvic pain addressed; you can imagine how difficult it is to digest the failure of researchers to 1. Do their job and 2. Help us but all we can do is hope. We’re doing our best to cope