on trauma

do we really
need meds
or do we just need
the people who abused us
while growing up
to STOP abusing us today
is that really too much to ask
or do we just
have to live
with personality disorders
created by trauma
while continuing to be abused
well into our adulthood
by the same people
who abused our inner kid
or could we just you know
be labeled as crazy
or an emotional wreck
when they're the biggest reason
we need this much help
parenting would be great
if you cared about yourself
that kinda matters
damaged kids
don't have the tools
to be
emotionally competent adults
unless emotions
are understood
& damn well embraced
allllll throughout
if you don't know what
I'm talking about
that's because
your parents
wrapped it up
& gave it to you
sort of a big present
but in life skill form
here my love have some
emotional intelligence
& your adult self can't say
thank you
ya I'll always wonder
what that feels like
& I know too many people
with damaged inner selves
but WE are not the problem
I was never the problem
abusive people
aren't the problem
they're damaged too
likely abused as kids
living proof that
it can be unlearned
whether it be physical
or emotional
abuse is abuse
call it what it truly is
so you can STOP
abusing yourself
then you'll never be able
to abuse anyone else

Amanda Haswell