


i was 25 when I met endometriosis

that’s 25 years of experience with managing pain on my own

with very little support

this platform is an avenue for me to be honest

about everything that’s happened to me

I’m an adult now

but the kid in me is still very much distraught

nobody wants to know endo

we have to know

below are some resources I’ve found helpful

sara for women

help for people who identify as women in the Fraser valley, BC Canada


Mental Health Support Line

Call 310-6789

This number will connect you to

your local BC crisis line 24/7

health link bc

Call 8-1-1




it’s the first wearable set of 4 silicone & super soft rings that work together to form a comforatble buffer that helps control depth during penetration

it’s the first wearable set of 4 silicone & super soft rings that work together to form a comforatble buffer that helps control depth during penetration

email info@iknowendo.com and I’ll lend you an ear

find positivity doodles & share your mental health experience here


follow evie @youareawesome_co

& unlearn outdated sex ed with evie & friends over here


Follow these other rad humans on instagram

who are endo-experienced





















& me! @amanda.haswell

positivity doodles by Evie
